Path D-L Length and Net Area

The path length, in this case, is the plate width (12") less two EFFECTIVE HOLE DIAMETERS:

EFFECTIVE HOLE DIAMETER = bolt dia. + 1/16" for std hole + 1/16" damage allowance

Path Length = 9.625" - (2 hole diameters)*(7/8" + 1/8") = 7.625 inches

The net area equals the path length times the plate thickness:

Net Area = (7.625")(.375") = 2.86 in2

An alternate approach would be to deduct two hole areas for Ag:

Net Area = 3.58 in2 - 2*(7/8" + 1/8")(3/8") = 2.83 in2

The difference being that the first calculation did not account for the reduced area caused by fillets at the ends of the angle legs.  The difference (~ 1%) is not significant.

This path, it turns out, is also THE critical path for this angle.

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