A Beginner's Guide to the Steel Construction

Designing with the 15th edition
ISBN: 978-0-578-90354-5
It was not intended to do a hard copy of this edition of the text,
but after numerous requests, here it is! This volume is the hard
copy version of the popular web edition. This book is 398
pages on 8.1/2" x 11" paper with a coil binding (for easy use).
Payment/Order Options
Orders by credit card, debit card, or PayPalTM
account are done through this website using a PayPalTM shopping cart. Simply click on the
BUY NOW button and follow the instructions.
Email quimbyassoc@gmail.com with any
26 April 2021
After many requests, we have relented to making a hard copy of
the 15th edition website. It is now available. Please note that, due
to retirement, there will not be any further editions of this text.
11 January 2018
We have sold out of the Beginner's Guide to the Steel Construction
Manual - 14th edition. Thank you to everyone who has purchased a
copy. It helps pay for this website!
As orders dropped off precipitously in the last year, we are not
planning another print run. We will, however, do special print runs
for orders of 10 or more.
There are no immediate plans for a hard copy for the 15th edition.
We will reconsider this, however, if we hear from enough people that
they would like one. It takes a lot of time to convert the website
version to hard copy, so we need to know if there is demand for it
before we embark on the endeavor.
28 October 2011
Due to requests for the 13th edition version of A Beginner's
Guide to the Steel Construction Manual, we now have more copies
available at a reduced rate. This will be our last run on this
text, so get yours while supply lasts.
11 August 2011
The printer was faster than expected. We now have copies
of A Beginner's Guide to the Steel Construction Manual (14th
edition) available for sale. Buy your copy today!
30 March 2011
We just sold our last copy of the Beginner's Guide to the Steel
Construction Manual. The book is currently being rewritten for
the 14th edition of the Steel Construction Manual. Hard copies
should be available by 1 September 2011.
August 2010
We continue to receive many requests for the book so we've had
another printing of the book. We'll continue to stock the text until
the next Steel Construction Manual is released by AISC. 1 October 2009
We just received the latest printing of A Beginner's Guide to
the Steel Construction Manual. It is current with the website as of
the end of August 2009. 15 August 2008
The hard copy of A Beginner's Guide to the Steel Construction Manual
is finally here! We are also working on hard copies of the
drawing sets in 11"x17" format. |
A Beginner's Guide to the Steel Construction
Manual ,
Designing with the 13th edition
This is the hard copy version of the popular web
edition. This book is 376 pages on 8.1/2" x 11"
paper with a coil binding (for easy use). The book
was substantially upgraded during the summer of 2008 to
include new sections on stiffener plates, continuous
beam analysis, more example problems, and more.
While the 13th edition has been superseded by the 14th,
we find that there are many people still using the SCM
13th edition making this text valuable until the codes
catch up with the changes.
Sorry but this book is out
of print and sold out.
We are happy to make special print runs for orders of 10 or
more copies (at $90.00 each). Please contact us at
quimbyassoc@gmail.com for more