Section 1.1
Last Revised: 05/30/2023
Structural steel is one of the basic materials used by structural engineers. Steel, as a structural material has exceptional strength, stiffness, and ductility properties. As a result of these properties, steel is readily produced in a extensive variety of structural shapes to satisfy a wide range of application needs. The wide spread use of structural steel makes it necessary for structural engineers to be well versed in its properties and uses.
The structural steel industry in the United States is represented principally by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). AISC works tirelessly to advance the science and art associated with producing, designing, fabricating, and erecting structural steel. One of their many available resources is the AISC Steel Construction Manual (SCM). This text focuses on training the engineering student to apply the basic design specifications contained in the SCM. In addition, the reader will become familiar with many of the design aids contained in the SCM.
In order for a student to progress through the material presented in this text, it is essential that they are well versed in engineering statics, mechanics, properties of materials, and structural analysis. Some of the required concepts that need to be mastered prior to undertaking this course are:
After thoroughly studying this text, readers will be:
- able to combine loads to determine design loadings on structures
- familiar with the AISC Steel Construction Manual
- able to design steel tension members
- able to design steel beams
- able to design composite steel/concrete beams
- able to design steel columns
- able to design beam-columns
- able to design basic bolted connections
- able to design basic welded connections
At the successful completion of this text, the reader will be prepared for study addressing more advanced topics such as structural system design, the latest in connection design, and other building code requirements related to the design of steel structures.