Path D-G-L Length and Net Area
The path length, in this case, is the plate width (9.625") less three EFFECTIVE HOLE DIAMETERS plus two STAGGERS:
EFFECTIVE HOLE DIAMETER = bolt dia. + 1/16" for std hole + 1/16" damage allowance
One stagger is between holes D and G and has a pitch (s) of 2" and a gage (g) of 2.5"
The other stagger is between holes G and L and has a pitch (s) of 2" and a gage (g) of 4.125"
Path Length = 9.625" - (3 hole diameters)*(7/8" + 1/8") + (2")2/(4*2.5") + (2")2/(4*4.125") = 7.27 inches
The net area equals the path length times the plate thickness:
Net Area = (7.27")(.375") = 2.73 in2