Bartlett (Bart) Quimby, P.E., Ph.D., F.ASCE
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Professional Society Memberships
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) - Fellow
AISC/ASCE National Student Steel Bridge Competition
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) - Member
Structural Engineers Association of Alaska - Member
Member of the Board of Directors, 1994-1998
Anchorage Area National Engineer's Week Steering Committee
Student activities/competitions
June 1985 to present:
Owner, Quimby & Associates, Eagle River, Alaska. Self-employed Structural Engineering Consultant. Engaged in independent structural design consulting at various times on a part-time, occasional, or full time basis. At times the firm has employed up to 4 engineers and 1 staff. Currently the firm has no employees (by design). Projects completed include field investigations, design reviews, seminars, and the design of industrial, commercial, educational, and residential structures with computations, drawings and specifications. Projects use timber, steel, masonry, and concrete materials. Structural systems used include post and beam, shear wall, moment frame, and concrete thin shells.
August 1988 to July 2015:
University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, Alaska: Assistant, Associate, & Professor, Chair of Civil Engineering, Associate Vice Provost for Curriculum & Assessment, Interim Vice Provost, Associate Dean, interim Chair of Geomatics, Interim Dean. Engaged in the development and teaching of undergraduate and graduate courses in the structural engineering curriculum, graduate research, and many departmental and university academic committees.
Summers 1989 to 1991 and May 1992 to August 1993:
Senior Civil Engineer (on Contract), Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, Anchorage, Alaska. Engineering Project Leader (EPL) for various Feasibility Studies and Final Designs. Provided technical support for projects by other EPLs.
September 1986 to August 1988:
Research Assistant, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Researching the methodology of automated optimal design of reinforced concrete building frames. Design techniques used include optimization and expert systems.
Summer 1987:
Adjunct Instructor, Brigham Young University. Taught a graduate timber structures course.
Summer 1986:
Structural Engineer, Porath/Berry, Architects + Engineers. Temporary position as design engineer. Prepared design calculations, specifications, conducted investigations and prepared reports.
June 1985 to April 1986:
Structural Engineer, Architects GDM & Assoicates, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska. Structural Engineer.
November 1983 to June 1985:
Anchorage, Alaska. Structural Engineer, Westbrook & Associates, Anchorage, Alaska.
November 1983 to May 1985:
Instructor of Engineering, UAA School of Engineering, Anchorage, Alaska. Prepared and taught courses in the structural series. Served on several committees and worked on computer software projects.
August 1982 to October 1983:
Structural/Civil Engineer, Arthur H Whitmer Associates, Anchorage, Alaska
September 1981 to July 1982:
Research Assistant, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided-Engineering. Developed structural steel design software to run in conjunction with existing frame analysis software.
Summer 1981:
Lab Technician, Alaska Testlab, Anchorage, Alaska. Soils and material testing.
Summers 1979 and 1980:
Junior Assistant Sanitary Engineer, Alaska Area Native Health Service, Environmental Health Branch, Anchorage, Alaska. Involved in the construction of village water, sewer, and waste disposal systems throughout Alaska. Also developed operation and maintenance manuals.
Summer 1978:
Corrosion Technician, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, Anchorage, Alaska. Gathered data on the cathodic protection system along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System.
Publications and
Computer-Aided Structural Steel Design, master's thesis, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 1982.The Application of Heuristic and Mathematical Search Techniques to the Automated Design of Reinforced Concrete Components, Ph.D. dissertation, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 1988.
Journal Articles
Quimby, T.B., "Seismic Forces in Spherical Domes: A Membrane Solution", ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 121, No. 11, November, 1995.
Conference Papers
Quimby, T.B., and Balling, R.J., "Automated Design of Reinforced Concrete Components", Computer Utilization in Structural Engineering, proceedings of the sessions related to computer utilization at Structures Congress 1989, ASCE Structural Division, New York, May 1989.Quimby, T.B., and Nelson, W.G, "Effects of Prestressing on Floating Ice Sheets", Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Copenhagen, Demark, Volume IV, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, June 1995.
Quimby, T.B., "Critical Lengths for Upheaval Buckling of Straight Pipelines Buried in Ice Rich Soils", Proceedings of the 15th ASME International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Florence, Italy, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, June 1996.
Quimby, T.B., and Fitzpatrick, M.R., "Upheaval Buckling of a Pipeline in an Arctic Environment", ASCE Eighth International Specialty Conference on Cold Regions Engineering, Fairbanks, AK, August 1996.
Liu, H., Quimby, T.B., A.M. Reinhorn, "Application of Seismic Isolation Techniques in Cold Regions", Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Cold Region Development, Anchorage, AK, May 1997.
Quimby, T.B., "Air Formed Concrete Shells for Arctic and Sub-Arctic Regions", Cold Regions Impact on Civil Works: Proceedings of the ASCE Ninth International Specialty Conference on Cold Regions Engineering, Duluth, Minn., Sept 1998.
Technical Reports
Over 200 design reports, Quimby & Associates and other consulting organizations, 1981-present.
Selected Public Presentations
ASCE 7-95 Wind Load Provisions Seminar, Quimby & Associates, Juneau (1997) & Anchorage (1998)NEHRP Seismic Provisions Seminar, Quimby & Associates, Juneau (1999)
Building in the North: What Works and What Doesn't, Science for Alaskans Lecture Series, sponsored by the University of Alaska and the Alaska Science and Technology. Presentations in Anchorage and Fairbanks, Feb. 2000