A Beginner's Guide to the Steel Construction Manual, 13th ed. (old)

Chapter 1 - Introduction

© 2006, 2007, 2008 T. Bartlett Quimby



An Overview of the AISC Steel Construction Manual

Computational Considerations

Homework Structures


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Section 1.5

Homework Structures

Last Revised: 11/04/2014

The homework problems all reference one of the drawing sets found in A Beginner's Guide to Structural Engineering.  The drawing sets are similar in format to structural drawings used in actual practice.  The main sets are adapted from actual projects.  The miscellaneous details are a mix of problems from actual projects and hypothetical problems that help to reinforce concepts included in the provisions of the SCM and this text.

Four of the drawing sets are used in this text.

  • Dormitory:  A three story building frame that includes both moment and braced frames.  This structure was originally designed in the early 1980s but, for a variety of economic reasons, was never built.  This structure will provide many of the problems related to beams and beam-columns as well as a few axial force brace members.
  • Tower:  A free standing communication tower that is loosely modeled after a recently constructed (2007) structure.  The design has been altered a bit to take advantage of some details found on other similar structures.  This structure provides a variety of axial force members and connections.
  • Bridge:  An old truss style bridge built in the mid 1900s.  This easily analyzed structure includes a number of axial force and bending members to design. 
  • Miscellaneous Steel Details:  This drawing set is the largest of the group and has many standard details as well as details to illustrate specific points.

Click on the links for each structure to get a more complete description of each structure and to download the drawings.

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